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Page Options

What are page options?

Page Options are layout enhancement for pages. They are only available when using the Default Page Template.

Page Options

Left Nav

The ‘Left Nav’ page option adds a navigation menu to the left side of the page. This shouldn’t be used for additional site navigation but instead as a self-contained information index. It’s useful for pages written more like a manual/documentation. 

To use the ‘Left Nav’ page option:

  1. Important Note: Before enabling a left nav, the menu must be created in the Appearance -> Menus editor. More about adding/updating menus is available in the Menu Management portion of the documentation.
  2. On the page editing screen, find the ‘Page Options’ box in the right/secondary sidebar.
  3. Select ‘Left Nav’ in the dropdown.
  4. Select the menu that you would like to populate the ‘Left Nav’.
  5. Update/save your page changes.

Example: This documentation page uses the ‘Left Nav’ option.


Tabbed Pages

Tabs allow multiple pages of content to be contained within a single page. Tabs can support regular pages or dynamic content such as news, events and people. The ideal number of tabs for optimum UI is 3 to 5 tabs.

To use the ‘Tabbed Pages’ page option:

  1. Important Note: Before enabling tabbed pages, every page EXCEPT the first/open tab needs to be created and saved. Skipping this step will result in the pages not being available in the dropdown list in the steps below.
  2. On the page editing screen, find the ‘Page Options’ box in the right/secondary sidebar.
  3. Select ‘Tabbed Page’ in the dropdown.
  4. Enter the ‘Main Tab Title’. This will be the title on the first/open tab when the user lands on the page. The content for this tab is created on this same page editing screen.
  5. To add/connect additional tabs, select ‘Add Row’.
  6. Each additional tab will require a:
    1. Label (will be the title on the tab)
    2. Type (Static ‘Page’ or Dynamic)
      1. If Static Page, the page to be pulled in (refer to Step 1).
      2. If Dynamic, the ‘Type’ and ‘Tags’. ‘Tags’ are optional. The default is to show all.
  7. Update/save your page changes.

Example: A mock-up example of a Tabbed Page.