MacSites Weekly Maintenance - Every Wednesday from 8 p.m. – 11:45 p.m.
There may be disruptions and intermittent outages during this time. We highly recommend refraining from editing websites during the maintenance window.
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What is MacSites?

MacSites is a custom platform that incorporates McMaster’s branding to offer an integrated website solution to the McMaster community.

MacSites provides a simple and easy way to get a web project off the ground, quickly.

Why choose MacSites?

Analytics More About Google Analytics

MacSites integrates easily with Google Analytics. To have your Analytics account connected to your site, or for more information on using Analytics (including free certification) please visit our Analytics information page below.


MacSites has several built-in accessibility components and features. 


MacSites follows McMaster’s brand guidelines and offers a uniform way of presenting information and content in web projects, across departments.


MacSites offers several options for dynamic content. They are time-saving, content-generating features designed to engage users.


MacSites uses WordPress for content management, which allows clients to focus on content management and site layout.


Because MacSites has pre-built themes, templates and features, it’s easy to get a site up and running quickly using the WordPress CMS system.


MacSites has a variety of feature/layout combinations that allow flexibility in how content is assembled and displayed.

Future Proof

Technology changes quickly. MacSites is updated regularly with relevant technologies and changing standards.


Domain and hosting management are included in the MacSites package. No experience is necessary to get your completed site live.


MacSites dependencies and plugins are kept up to date on the back-end so that clients can focus their time on content and layout.


MacSites has a number of tools and plugins to handle all the heavy lifting a project might need, from searchable content to asset management.


Search functions are built-in through a number of layouts and features in MacSites so that content is easily (and automatically) searchable.


MacSites is password protected and includes SSL certificates to ensure security for all clients and end-users.


MacSites has the ability to easily link a range of relevant social media platforms to a web project.